TRUE FACTS…About Sex Dolls/Real Doll

Let’s face it, you’re here because you love real doll. So do we! A great sex doll can provide companionship, sexual release, and allow you to explore your fantasies. They are portable, and they are convenient. Real dolls are also really, really cool. Over the years, they’ve influenced and been influenced by culture, art, and technology. Because of this, there are a ton of interesting facts about sex dolls. Here are some of coolest.

There Are Several Movies Featuring Sex Dolls
You may have heard about the movie Lars And The Real Girl starring Ryan Gosling, but that’s just one movie with sex dolls. There’s also Cherry 2000, Monique, and Shooting Fish among others. We would even say the movie ‘Mannequin’ counts. After all, there’s no denying the sexual tension in that flick. If you’re interested in checking any of these movies out, we highly recommend Lars And The Real Girl for its interesting and sensitive portrayal of the relationship between a man and his real doll.

Sex Dolls Aren’t a Modern Invention
While our real dolls are made with the most modern materials, and we use the latest technology to give you the best experiences ever, sex dolls have been around for centuries. In the 1600s, Dutch sailors would construct leather ‘masturbation puppets’. They later sold and traded these to the Japanese. Even today, the Japanese often refer to real dolls as ‘Dutch Wives’. In the early 20th century, an Austro-Hungarian artist and jilted lover had a dressmaker construct a replica [real doll] of his ex lover. However, this real doll was more plush like than realistic.

The modern sex doll, as we know it has origins in Germany. In America, sex dolls became popular when they began to be advertised in porn magazines in the late sixties. Of course, we’ve come a long way since then. Our silicone and TPE dolls are extraordinarily realistic and fully functional.

Amaia Sex Doll

Exciting Things Are Happening With AI And Robotics
Today, real doll manufacturers are doing some amazing things thanks to robotics and artificial intelligence. With robotics, we’re now able to make sex dolls that have realistic movements, and can even respond to touch. Some dolls even have built in warmers to provide an intense, real world, sexual experience.

Even more exciting, thanks to AI, we are getting closer and closer to creating a real doll that is a true companion. Through AI, a sex doll will be able to learn your preferences, engage in social interactions, even show emotion. These real dolls can even flirt!

Sex Doll Customization is Trending
Most people buy sex dolls ‘off the rack’. That’s not surprising. We certainly have a wide selection of dolls for a variety of tastes. Still, the number of customers buying custom sex dolls is definitely on the rise. Discerning customers aren’t always interested in a mass-produced doll. Instead, they want one that is designed to their specifications. We’re happened to provide this service so you can receive a doll with the body type and facial features you desire.

Sex Dolls Are Mostly a Guy Thing
It’s true! The majority of our customers are male. That doesn’t mean our customer base isn’t diverse. We have customers who live all over the world, and vary widely when it comes to sexual preference, income, careers, and other factors.

Even though most of our customers are men, we do have a few very loyal women who purchase our real dolls. We’re happy to say that this number is growing. We believe this is because more women are becoming sex positive, and showing more confidence when it comes to meeting their own sexual and romantic needs.

Brenda Realistic Sex Doll

Real Dolls Are Not a Flotation Device
As silly as this sounds, there’s some history behind this warning. In 2011 a couple in Australia avoided drowning by using a real doll as a raft. While it was wonderful that they were rescued, Australian authorities felt it was important to issue a warning to the public. A real doll is not a viable substitute for an approved flotation device. So, if you take your doll out boating, wear your life preserver, and put one on her as well!

Sex Doll Brothels are on The Rise!
While they haven’t always received positive response from law enforcement or communities, sex doll brothels are becoming more and more popular. Several have been opened throughout Europe. Even the United States and Japan have been impacted by this trend. We think that this trend will continue into the future, and believe that it provides people with a safe alternative to fulfilling their sexual needs.

Final Thoughts: Aren’t Sex Dolls Cool!?
We think real dolls have a great history, and an even greater future. If you’re turned on by the idea of having your own real doll, you clearly aren’t alone. Men have used and loved sex dolls for centuries. We’ve simply applied art and technology to make your real doll experience even better.

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