We've noticed an increase in fake websites pretending to be us or other authorized seller. If you go on those websites, fraudsters will try to steal your money - they are using pictures stolen from authorized seller like us, pretending they can sell the same dolls for half price!

Take a couple of minutes to double-check the website. It doesn’t have to be more than a few clicks, but looking at more than just the homepage, could save you from falling into the trap.
Extremely low price, spelling and grammar mistakes or dead end links, could be a sign that the website isn’t legitimate - Be aware that a significantly cheaper price is a red flag that it's a counterfeit copy.
Please contact the manufacturers and ask them to confirm that we are an Authorized Distributor.
That's is not where you want to spend your hard earned money!
MyRealDolls owns 2 websites: [USA, CANADA, UK, AUS] {EUROPE]
We work hard with our manufacturers to make sure you get the best possible Sex Doll available at the best price!
Thanks for choosing MyRealDolls.